Sunday, December 23, 2012

‘Smiling’ dancing branches with leaves in trees

When you are extremely happy due to unforeseen positive development like winning a gold medal or birth of a child in normal delivery, etc, your face and body language will radiate so much happiness that even strangers (even if they were in dull mood) around you (who may not know you or the reason) can sensitize your happiness and feels energized partly reflecting in their face and body language.

During my walk both in the morning and evening, some times during winds, I used to witness the up and down rhythmic moving branches with leaves in matching rhythmic movements in the trees. It just reminded me the radiating happiness mentioned above.

We may not know the ‘emotion’ (which science had begun to unravel) of the trees. Still we can sensitize the happiness like the strangers mentioned above,

With declining culture among human beings to spare time to sense the sufferings of even friends to console them, the nature is proving with unlimited ‘ music and dances’ to radiate happiness to console us.

In fact a creative dancer can decipher interesting choreographic movements in the above ‘dancing’ branches and leaves for using in his/her dance composing.

When we start enjoying the above benefits, we will be naturally tempted to preserve nature to the extent possible within our means.

The ‘perfect happiness’ blessed by nature

 “a sufficient, complete and perfect happiness which leaves no emptiness to be filled in the soul. Such is the state which I often experienced on the Island Of Saint-Pierre in my solitary reveries, whether I lay in a boat and drifted where the water carried me, or sat by the shores of the stormy lake, or elsewhere, on the banks of a lovely river or a stream murmuring over the stones.” (Rousseau 1979: 88 - 89)

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