Sunday, July 14, 2013

Joyful Life:                                     

Positive Vibrations & Secure Zones

From social point of view, a person may be a philanthropist, criminal, cunning, etc.
Including the philanthropist, every human being normally will have an insecure zone, related to the fear and anxiety in living. The insecure zone will be less in dimension in proportion to the less in fear and anxiety. That will depend on the condition - if we are slave or king to the comforts in our life style.
When you interact with any person without trespassing into his/her insecure zone, most probably the person will appear gentle and even broadminded. If there was any conscious or unconscious trespass into his/her insecure zone, then the interaction may end with unpleasant outcome.
A person in insecure zone will treat all human interactions as a battle to be won at any cost. They always look for self-help books and tips to excel in the battle briefed below.
A person drowned in status- conscious - dominated consumer culture, while interacting with another person, will use all his mental faculties first to judge if the other person is, in terms of social status, on par or above or below him/her. The person will behave in subservient manner to the socially above persons to enhance the social network for wealth and influence, , and superior to the socially below to display his wealth and influence. In the case of on par persons, he/she will try by all means to prove that the other person was inferior to him/her in social status.
For positive vibrations, such persons better be avoided. If it can not be avoided, consciously limit the interaction to the smallest duration possible to minimize the unpleasant experience – negative vibrations.
They are the unfortunate victims of hierarchical insecurity due to their misguided drowning in status- conscious - dominated consumer culture. In turn, they loose their sensitivity to identify their status-free natural vibrations and ability to retune their mind to positive vibrations to move close to nature to enjoy the music, dance, positive emotions and , if blessed, to experience the infinite. Their mind is obsessed with status consciousness and hence they are always in insecure zone and are ignorant of the joy in a secure zone. All their enjoyment will be tied to status, displaying the status controlled programming in their robot like life style.
A different interesting experience may be possible to those interacting within the secure zones of a person. Only positive vibration persons will be associated with a secure zone of positive vibrations. There could be no scope for ‘on par or above or below’ interactions in the secure zone. The absence of motivation to exploit all interactions to earning money and influence will differentiate the secure zone from the insecure zone discussed above.
Compared to insecure zone, the secure zone is not accessible to anyone. It is limited to those with proven credentials of not exploiting human relations to serve selfish interests.
The higher one’s status in social hierarchy, the more scope to participate in the human rat-race with negative vibrations – also less in scope to identify positive vibration persons and still less scope to enter into their secure zone.
Every stratum in the social hierarchy has its own range of life style. While the negative vibration persons, in view of their active participation in human rat race, willingly interact with those in the higher strata, the positive vibration persons, least interested in the human rat race, will not easily permit those in the higher strata into their personal secure zone domain. 
Only those with social flexibility to adopt any life style of any stratum, depending on their positive vibrations, could enter into the secure zone of positive vibration persons as well as nature.
That would not be possible, if we are slaves to our comforts in our life style. We could never enjoy the sun shade under a tree unless we expose ourselves to sun at least for some duration.
We need to practice our freedom to experience both ‘sun’ and ‘sun shade’ in our lives, to preserve and nurture our positive vibrations and enjoy valuable interactions in the secure zones of human beings and nature.