Thursday, January 3, 2013

You Are Your King;

 Be a ‘Free’ king with small kingdom than a ‘slave’ king with big kingdom

Blessed are those, who could lead a simple life without the need to please or fear anyone. Their social circle will be small.

As a king, they will have the ‘sovereign’ power to decide anything connected with his/her life. Like a king, they will get advises/suggestions from their well wishers – his/her ministers. In terms of wealth, influence & power, it will be a small kingdom of a ‘free’ king, not enslaved to any ‘big’ king.

Their ‘sovereignty’ will become tainted once they strain to increase their kingdom beyond a threshold limit decided by the society/country they are living.

They need to enter into a social power network befriending those whom they do not respect in their heart. They need to do things they may not like to do otherwise. All these have a price tag of subordinating their sovereign power (self esteem) to a higher power center/person.

Soon they will have a ‘big’ kingdom, but they become a kind of ‘slave’ king. Imagine how their lover, husband/wife, children, friends, etc will undergo character transformation (to loose their self esteem in proportional magnitude) to be with him/her to ‘enjoy the – shameful- benefits’ due to many kinds of wrong doings.

No need to explain that any society/country that encourages such ‘slave’ big kings will have to go down in meeting the genuine demands of the citizens.

The potential to free that society/country rests with the free small kings.

All free small kings will try to encourage the growth of many free small kings so that their kingdom is not further reduced due to the  power thirsty ‘big kings’ acting like robots without human value.

The difference between a slave big king and free small king will be revealed in the ‘help’ they render to others. Any help from ‘big’ king will have a price tag of benefiting the big king in one way or other. But a small king’s help will be non-commercial without any hidden selfishness.

Hence the small kings with awareness can encourage the growth of many small kings, easily over throw the big kings and save the society/country in the course of time. Hence ‘Small is not only Beautiful’, but also powerful.

Tail piece:   Beware of the Interesting hidden dimension of the ‘big’ kings

The ‘big’ kings release a part of their disgust in their kingdom, when they meet the ‘small’ kings they trust.
Few ‘big’ kings in political parties may share the most unpalatable words about their leader (‘emperor’) to whom they fall at the feet when ever they meet the leader.

They will not hesitate to desert the leader to join the opponent leader and fall at his/her feet for better benefits. 

Unless the ‘big’ kings are kept at a distance, the small kings will be infected or loose their ‘free’ kingdom.

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