Thursday, January 3, 2013

For Joyful Life

Like dissonance in music,

experiencing shame will help joyful life

A joyful life will be like a very good music.

A very good music will invoke different kinds of feelings to the person enjoying the music.

The musical notes in compositions have a relationship among themselves like human relationship, cordial, friendly (different kinds of consonance), shame, inimical, and hatred etc negative feelings (different kinds of dissonance).

A music always avoiding dissonance notes may turn out to be dull and monotonous.

The unique aesthetic dimension of Beethoven’s symphony is the exemplary employment of the dissonant notes to bring out rare emotions culminating in the unforgettable experience while enjoying his music.

Do we live  like a good music?

More than the pride, the feeling of shame has deeper implications to the person experiencing it. Every human being in his/her life will have some phases to experience his unique quota of shame.

We will be missing the experience of our quota of shame in our lives, if we try to evade it due to our obsession with our ‘image’.

If we always aim to improve our ‘image’ in the view of even our close circle (lover. Husband/wife, children, friends, etc), we will have to suffer the infection of comparison (explained in a post below).

One of the dominant symptoms of that infection will be to hide at any cost our experiencing the shame.

Suppressing such feelings will amount to transforming that energy from visible to latent form. Suppressed negative feelings are one of the causes of diseases mostly affecting the performance of vital organs in our body.

Also that in turn will transform our human relationships into a kind of robotic - programmed   to raise our ‘image’ in the view of our social circle.

Like the music always avoiding dissonance notes, our lives may turn out to be dull and monotonous, stressful while chasing the mirage of improving our image in the view of others.

Tail piece:  To motivate others in my circle not to avoid the valuable experience of shame, I started openly admitting my mistakes, shortcomings, failures etc exhibiting openly my experiencing the feelings of shame. To my surprise, it started elevating my ‘image’ in their view, instead of motivating them. I am still researching to overcome that failure. Some had concluded that I lived like a fool, a small consolation to the former.

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