A Self Check-Up
Are We The Shelter of The Positive Feelings?
First a brief intro on how we grow while sheltering positive
feelings and decay while sheltering negative feelings, and how we contribute
both to the positive and negative world events.
Many researches had concluded that the negative feelings are
one of the causes of diseases mostly affecting the performance of vital organs
in our body irrespective of whoever is responsible for them. Also recovering
from sickness becomes fast when we harbour the positive feelings.
A self check up if we are the shelter of positive or
negative feelings will help us to retune our mind to live with joy.
The self check up will yield good results if done in a
lonely place preferably in natural surroundings.
The Self Check Up
- Today from morning till now how many positive feelings and negative feelings I had experienced?
- Replace today by the current week and repeat the self check up.
- Replace week by the month and repeat the self check up.
- In my life, how many persons in my social circle are the sources of positive feelings and how many are the sources of the negative feelings?
- To how many persons I am responsible for their positive feelings and negative feelings?
The above self check up, like a self X-ray check up, will
reveal if you are the shelter of positive or negative feelings.
Also it will provide the guidance to distant yourself from
the sources of your negative feelings as well as from the persons to whom you
are the source of their negative feelings.
To judge who is right and who is wrong to indulge in blame
game is a powerful intoxicating path to shelter the negative feelings.
Let us do the self check up periodically so that we always
remain the shelter of mainly positive feelings contributing to self growth and
world peace as noted below.
As briefed in ' Lesson from Bamiyan Buddha' (http://veepandi.blogspot.in/2013/01/v-behaviorurldefaultvmlo.html ), all positive and negative world macro level actions can not
be separated from the micro level actions of the human beings. It is like the
link between micro level behaviour
of the molecules and macro level behaviour of the gas comprising the molecules.
The self check up will
enhance the skill of the dynamic practice of attachments to the growth and
detachments to the decay (briefed in a post below) .