Sunday, February 10, 2013

How to nurture the Power for Joyful Life?

Minus human beings, there will be no social power (governments, etc) in the world.

All kinds of power in the world owe their origin to the human beings.

The power of the individual human being is partly inherited by birth (the family, the country, etc) and partly developed. Depending on the nature of the power nurtured, one can lead a joyful life or stressful (& harmful) life.

The uneven magnitude of power in the world human beings will reflect the complex uneven conditions under which the particular individual can develop his/her power within the available means.

The identity components of the individual are the options within the available means as the nuts and bolts in the mechanism of the development of the individual power.

Identity components related to family, caste, language, heritage and country can help the individual to develop power for a joyful life or enslave the person to become an emotional robot, consciously or unconsciously serving harmful vested interests in the world.

Nature is a main source to develop one’s power for a joyful life. By living close to nature and interacting with birds, trees, etc of nature (as revealed in the posts below) one can escape from enslaving robotic influences and contribute to save the world from the following danger.

The world, under modern technology, is weakening the barriers in terms of country, language, caste, religion, etc. That process is being accompanied by both heterogeneous globalization (preserving all diversity in positive manner) and homogeneous globalization (destroying all diversity & nature to serve high energy thirsty robotic life needs).

The homogeneous globalization , threatening all diversities , will induce insecurity dominant mechanism to safeguard the identities in terms of caste, religion, country, etc - the extreme versions exhibiting anti-modern- technology curbing the ‘modern infection’ of the individual human rights in favor of the group identity rights.

The conflict of the homogeneous globalization and heterogeneous globalization is the source for all kinds of social disharmony including terrorism.

Unless we strengthen the heterogeneous globalization and simultaneously weaken the homogeneous globalization, the above conflict can not be weakened.

The forces supporting the homogeneous globalization mainly use the hard power of weapons, etc while those supporting the heterogeneous globalization could use the soft power. If more and more humans join, the soft power will win over the hard power in the long run. That could be the only way to prevent the world and the human beings sacrificed to serve the high energy - induced needs thirsty - robotic life.

Hence our leading a joyful life nurturing our power with the support from nature will strengthen the soft power and simultaneously contribute to the world harmony.


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