Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Joyful Life

Do they, the inanimate, have life?

Start the Day with ‘Good Morning’ to Birds & Trees, as was explained in a previous post. 

That I do during my mornicomng walk.

When I get up from my bed early morning, I say ‘Good Morning’ to the chairs, tables, pictures on the walls, etc with a feeling of reciprocity.

Do they, the inanimate, have life?

When I leave the house forgetting to take my pen, etc, my shirt is pulled from behind. Looking back, a hook on the door was doing it, like human being, reminding me that I forgot something. Immediately I sit down on a chair to reflect till I found out the thing I forgot to take.

Both animate & inanimate things have molecules in constant vibration. The only difference is the ‘life process’ involving the molecules in the case of animate things. Both verbal & non verbal communication among the animate things is related to the ‘life processes’.

Can we be certain that the absence of the ‘life process’ in inanimate things would mean no other process involving the vibrating molecules?

Also why not the non verbal communication of different kind possible in that different process in the case of inanimate things?

In Sanskrit, VASTU means un-manifest and VAASTU means manifest energy related to all the bodies animate and inanimate, distinguished by the presence and absence of the ‘life process’ respectively.

"If we go back to the idea of nature as a living organism, the whole of nature as being alive, and ourselves as living beings within a living world -- a living world that has many levels of organization, from molecules, atoms, cells, the whole planet, the solar system, the galaxy, the whole universe -- at every level there's a kind of integrity or wholeness that's more than the sum of the parts -- then we can think about the relation between science and religion in a new light, a different way than has been possible for the last three hundred years." ( )

In all communications signals and noises are mixed. The skill of reception would depend on segregating the signal from the noises during the reception.

When my shirt was pulled from behind as narrated above, I might have thought it just as an act of carelessness on my part and remove the hook from my shirt. It would mean that I had treated a valuable signal as just a noise of my carelessness. I, the receiver was wrong then. 

If we are the source of positive vibrations consciously distancing ourselves from the sources of negative vibrations, we may be blessed to sensitize the signals from nature including the inanimate things. 

I am a beginner as a receiver to sense the signals from the nature including inanimate things. I am blessed to receive more such signals.

I am aware that I need to be a shelter of positive vibrations, and I need to be open minded to be blessed, to be the receiver.

The keys to be a shelter of positive vibrations were explained in the previous posts. 

Also when we interact with birds, trees & inanimate things, we do not need to be as alert as we need to do with the ‘insecure’ human beings, to avoid the following pitfall of the infection of comparison. (See the note below, cited from earlier post). 

All human communication is finite

and hence incapable of handling the infinite,

which can only be experienced,

reminding us the limits of the human communication.

Note: cited from the earlier post ‘Positive Vibrations & Secure Zones’; 

A person in insecure zone will treat all human interactions as a battle to be won at any cost. They always look for self-help books and tips to excel in the battle briefed below. 

A person drowned in status- conscious - dominated consumer culture, while interacting with another person, will use all his mental faculties first to judge if the other person is, in terms of social status, on par or above or below him/her. The person will behave in subservient manner to the socially above persons to enhance the social network for wealth and influence,, and superior to the socially below to display his wealth and influence. In the case of on par persons, he/she will try by all means to prove that the other person was inferior to him/her in social status.

For positive vibrations, such persons better be avoided. If it can not be avoided, consciously limit the interaction to the smallest duration possible to minimize the unpleasant experience – negative vibrations.