Monday, January 14, 2013

Beware of the Human Rats Race

- Also The Use value of Human Rats Network

No doubt one needs to earn money to survive in this world.

Developing more than one employable skill while being alert to emerging scope of money earning will help meaningful survival.

Depending on the changing environment, one's skill may attract more income than expected tempting to more money earning.

Interestingly one has to be beware of the critical point , if one has to safeguard himself/herself from being dragged into the human rate race of money earning - becoming end instead of means to happy life.

Below the critical point one will have time to help others and enjoy nature, retaining his/her human dimension.

Above the critical point, the person’s total focus becomes earning money. All his/her time and all the social contacts need to be connected to money earning. 

In no time the person will find himself/herself in human rat race for money earning, falling into the infection of comparison (briefed in a post below).

Within a short time his/her social circle will be dominated by human rats within a small range above and below his/her ‘social status’ – all the rats including him/her feeling down by comparing with the more successful human rats far above their social status.

To conserve their energy and focus to progress into the social circle of the higher human rats, they need to avoid ‘wasting’ their time, money and energy on non-money earning activities like helping others without a hidden agenda, enjoying nature, etc.

All relationships including husband- wife, parents-children, friends etc will become strong or weak depending on its use value to money earning.

In the course of time, when they die, they just die as human rat with the funeral matching their ‘social status’ of the human rat and with the absence of genuine human grief.

The critical point of the human rat race depends on our life style. A simple life fulfilling our natural needs and interests will have a lower critical point. The magnitude of the critical point will increase in proportional to the magnitude of the infection of comparison we suffer from.

As the magnitude of the critical point increases, our freedom to get out of the human rat race will decrease.

 Use value of Human Rats Network

In fact , to those who opt out of the rat race, the human rat race become an object of enjoyment  like the horse race  - of course without need for betting on the winning human rat.

It can be a source of enjoyment like a cinema in which we are just the observers with the freedom to walk out, if we do not like the show.

We shall not forget about the powerful dimension of the several social net work of human rats.

Like a drowning person trying to survive by grabbing any viable strong hold - not bothering about its dirt ,we can 'grab' the viable contact in the above network when our survival becomes a problem.

After escaping drowning, the person will not continue to spend the rest of his life continuing his contact with that dirty strong hold.

Similarly we can use the above human rats network for short periods for preventing our drowning or for watching a 'cinema' , never permitting ourselves to become one more human rat. 

Blessed are those who could lead a simple life 
without the need to please or fear any human rat.


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